The Spirit of the Moment!

It’s been quite the seven days! Last week began with Monday, September18th, which was the final day for the auction, GLASS FOR LIFE, an artist-driven affair of the heart initiated and led by Dave Graeber.  The auction resulted in $12,690.00 being raised in 48 hours of bidding—with 100% of every dollar realized (sent directly by the winning collectors) going to relieve the suffering and damage caused by Hurricane Harvey and also Hurricane Irma.  Organizations benefitting include CERF+, UNICEF, the Pearl Fincher Museum of Fine Arts, The American Red Cross and Catholic Charities of Houston-Galveston.  Thank you, everyone, involved!

Then we cascaded along the next few days to our anticipated special event, “The Spirit of the Moment,” a weekend honoring the glass artistry of Alison Ruzsa. It included an exhibition of the artist’s recently arrived works, champagne toasts, shipboard dining on the Lake, and culminating in a well-attended live studio glassmaking demonstration, co-sponsored by the Midwest Paperweight Collectors Association.  There were great conversations, new faces to welcome and of course, more good food and toasts to wind up the day.  Several attendees went home with a new glass tableau by Alison to add to their paperweight collections.

We thank Alison, known not only for her unique storytelling style in multi-media glasswork but for her quick, dry wit, which always enlivens our discussions. A big thank you goes out to Nancy Alfano who helmed her visit as well as to the Midwest PCA who co-sponsored the demonstration. It was great to meet Lita and Marshall Weinstein and their friends from the Midwest Contemporary Glass Art Group, who came to witness Alison’s skills as she created beautiful new romantic illusions in glass before their eyes. Alison could not have done this without the skills and service of Sharon Gilbert, owner of the Talisman Glass Studio. Sharon not only shared her studio; she spent the entire Saturday afternoon alternating movements with Alison as they shared tasks and techniques in what amounted to a nimble dance of craftsmanship.

And yes, it was a bit warm in there-but we wouldn’t have missed it.  Check our website for available works by the artist as well as more of her story.  Until next time!

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