Greetings, Glass Lovers Extraordinaire;

Yes, Along with the Season of Hope, comes

The LH Selman Gallery of Fine Glass Paperweights


After much planning and preparation, this digital labor of love is hereby declared online and at your service.  We have been preparing for this moment for a long time, and we share below, a report of our renewed presence and ongoing dedication to the sublime artform of fine glass paperweights.

*We have refreshed and modernized our classic website, with clean lines, (check out the beautiful aqua), more spacious design and easier-to-read text. However, we strove to maintain the old comfort level and so your login information will remain the same, and we expect that what you used to enjoy about our website’s traditional formatting will still be recognizably familiar. So despite the updated look and feel, everything should be intuitive and easy to deal with. However, please let us know immediately of any issues or difficulties that you may encounter, so that we are able to make changes in the very near future. We don’t anticipate any errors, but everything in life is a work in progress.  Just ask any glass artist!

*There is now, for your viewing pleasure, “WELCOME” – a short movie available on our website, and designed to showcase the Gallery. Produced for us by the very talented people at Hike Creative, we hope this brisk little piece of cinema will reignite pleasurable memories of your visits with us over the years. It also can serve to effortlessly introduce your passion to others in a wordless triumph of luxurious imagery!  During the shutdown, while no one was in the gallery, the filmmakers set up their equipment and captured the Selman space in its very best light. There is another video planned that will lavishly record the creation of glass paperweights that understandably, had to be delayed until the artists are able to join us in person.  You’ll find “WELCOME” prominently featured on our Homepage, accompanied by a delicate but ebullient original musical score that may imprint itself upon you and “play” whenever you see a paperweight!

* As part of a major ongoing effort, our most recent auction catalogs are now digitized and available to read online.  More will be made available as time allows, until the project is complete! To access them, you’ll simply go to the “Auction” tab on our Main Menu via our Homepage, and select “Auction Catalogs.” Then click “Read On-Screen” to begin your E-reading experience! From here on, we plan to continue adding forthcoming E-catalogs and other Paperweight Press publications to the platform. In addition, we will, for the first time, have spin videos of selected weights available to view on our main site. Here too, more will be added on a regular basis.  Please check back regularly to stay current with ongoing developments.

Our Gallery is pleased to assist in an effort alongside many of you out there, who are devoted to developing a more complete and accessible aggregation of paperweight-related information—knowledge critical to learning, research, and the serious market.  As we hope you see, we at the LH Selman Gallery are dedicated to helping provide more than a streamlined service platform for paperweight collectors.  We try to serve the field itself well beyond mercantile considerations.  (Yes, there are easier ways to do what we do.)  The work that we put into this Gallery, from conventions to publications, reflects a dedication to expanding awareness of this most exquisite of artforms, and yes, we love helping to carry the torch.  Please enjoy the new website!