Perthshire Paperweights 1980 “Transportation Garland” millefiori and picture canes pap...
Perthshire Paperweights 1977 "Rooster" millefiori porthole paperweight.
Perthshire Paperweights (1983-1988) railway engine transfer and patterned millefiori facet...
Perthshire Paperweights (1973) "Swan in the Pond" hollow faceted paperweight.
Perthshire Paperweights 1993 "Fuchsia" paperweight.
Perthshire Paperweights (1989-1997) butterfly cane and patterned millefiori paperweight.
Perthshire Paperweights 1996 clown picture cane on swirl faceted paperweight.
Perthshire Paperweights 1998 blue flower vine faceted paperweight.
Perthshire Paperweights 1989-1997 butterfly cane and patterned medium millefiori glass pap...
Perthshire Paperweights 1997 commemorative Princess Diana forget-me-nots faceted paperweig...
Perthshire Paperweights 1978 "Heather" spray and millefiori garland paperweight.
Perthshire Paperweights 1980 spaced millefiori and silhouettes paperweight.
Perthshire Paperweights (1972) pink dogrose in a basket miniature paperweight.
Perthshire Paperweights (1974) "Flower and Buds" on mauve ground paperweight.
Perthshire Paperweights (1977) Damson "Plums" miniature faceted paperweight.
Perthshire Paperweights patterned millefiori and twists pin dish.
Perthshire Paperweights 2000 pansy faceted paperweight.
Perthshire Paperweights 1981 scattered millefiori miniature paperweight.
Perthshire Paperweights 1996 International Paperweight Society commemorative patterned mil...